Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Short the market. Seems you can't lose

"Most investors by nature will "go long" when they buy stocks. Few investors naturally will short stocks (or bet on their decline) because they really don't know what to look for. Some investors see the shorting process as somewhat counter-intuitive to the traditional investing process since many stocks do appreciate over time. That said, there is a lot of money to be made by shorting, and in this article, we'll give you a list of signs that show when a stock might be ripe for a fall."- Investopedia.com

This is what you get when you type "to short" into Google. It is the first thing that shows up and that is what scares me. Is Google that smart? or is that market just that bad?

If you shorted the market 10 years ago and never looked at it again until today you would be up around 30%. That is terrible and bucks every trend instilled in many of us investors today.
This crap makes me sick, I mean to the point where i feel like I am being overcome with Black Death. You guys know that one, where you are up all night praying to the porcelain god from both ends. Ya that one.

Now pardon me if you can't read that graph, but don't worry it pretty much just says that if you put money in them market over the last 10 years you have less now than you did then. If you are a buy and hold investor that is, which I think encompasses the majority of us.

I really have no idea where I am going with this post here. I still think the market is going further down. 7500?? Pretty much I am just sick of the market acting the way it is, and the Obama team hasn't proven anything to me yet, except that they talk a good game.

Buy a shirt, my kids need food, we are in a recession.

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