Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Deb, I award you no points and God have Mercy on your soul

Every morning before I go to work I pick up a free Metro at the homo. For those of you who don't know what the Metro is, it's a free newspaper with articles mostly from the Associated Press. People read it on the subway and just end up throwing it away immediately, because it's crap. I pick it up specifically to get a laugh at what people have to say in a section called "Voices," where a bunch of people voice their opinion on certain topics in today's headlines. Anyways, I came across this article from a woman named Debbie complaining about the $700 billion bailout. She thought that it would be a "better idea to give each hardworking, taxpaying Americans $250,000 each." I had to quickly look up to check if there were smoking hot bombshells lathering their bodies with sexy oils, but there weren't...unfortunately I didn't take anything remotely close to the hallucinogens Debbie had before she sent in this article.
I love how art teachers, college kids in Birkenstocks or just ignorant people think they can come up with a better idea than what we are doing now. Yes, we all don't want CEO's getting huge bonus's or flying luxury jets to meetings, but it doesn't mean you can blurt things out like give everyone $250,000. That’s just dumb. Maybe come up with an idea where the government watched how they spend this money...which they already started doing just recently. AND do you know how many working Americans there are? I know there is a high unemployment rate but no way could we give $250,000 out to working Americans....we'd be lucky if we got $100. Besides the point, the $700billion won't pull us out of this recession right away, it takes time and I'll even come out and say we have seen the worst of things and it's just gonna get better. Now's the time to get stocks for cheap and make a killing, not make ignorant statements about what you think the government should do with $700billion.

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